From rental assistance to EMS bonuses, Collier sets plan for $74 million from American Rescue Plan

The county’s spending plan will partially fund mental health services and housing-related to COVID. $5.5 million of the funds received through the American Rescue Plan Act will be dedicated to mental health services.

“As a result of the pandemic, increased social isolation has exacerbated depressive and affective disorders; these funds will be used toward the outcome of reducing negative mental stresses in all individuals served,” the spending plan reads. $1.5 million of additional funds have been set aside for non-profit organizations that serve individuals with disabilities, people at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness, and victims of domestic

About $7.5 million has been set aside for household assistance in the form of rent, mortgage, and utility aid, according to the county’s spending plan. The program will provide up to 15 months’ rent or mortgage with a maximum of $25,000. The county has allocated an additional $525,000 for eviction prevention.

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