Caregiver Tip #9: Get Loving People to Relieve You

“Caregivers have a great amount of worry and stress that can lead to mental exhaustion.

Focusing so much energy on caring for someone with a mental illness, addiction, or thoughts of suicide, caregivers often neglect their own physical and mental health needs. Taking time to care for yourself is vital to ensuring you're the best caregiver you can be. Your strength and hope can help strengthen your loved ones. Due to the demands and stigma attached to mental illness, caregivers often feel isolated. They struggle to ask for help and feel shame and guilt. As a caregiver, it's important to maintain a strong support system for yourself and your loved one struggling with mental illness. Scheduling time to take a break to utilize other loving people in your life who may offer some much-needed relief is one of the most important ways to cope with exhaustion. #lovingsupport #mentalillness


Caregiver Tip #10: Four Tips for Caregiving Those with Addiction


Caregiver Tip #8: Hope for the future; recovery is possible.