Caregiver Tip #1: Serious Brain Disease

“Mental illnesses affect a person’s thought process, emotional state, and behaviors. Unlike physical illnesses, these signs and symptoms are easily misunderstood by caregivers, family, and friends because they can be difficult to describe and observe. However, it is important to realize that mental illnesses are serious medical diseases that impact the brain.

Our brains are the most complex organ we have, responsible for communicating with the rest of our body to keep us functioning and well. And just like other body parts get sick, our brains can too. While mental illnesses are treatable and manageable, some days may be more challenging than others. Caregivers, you will experience challenges as well, and your mental health matters too! Be sure to practice healthy self-care strategies and reach out for help as needed through counseling, support groups, family friends, and other available resources.”


Caregiver Tip #2: Don’t take it out on your loved one


Stop! Change Your Thoughts